+33 (0) 1 42 60 63 64 - MAKE AN APPOINTMENT

Restoration of glasses

Restoration of glasses

Our vocation as Opticians Lunetiers is to sell new glasses, but also to provide current glasses with the maintenance they deserve.


Several steps are necessary: first a light ultrasonic cleaning before extracting the glasses, then a more intense passage in the ultrasonic tank before dismantling the branches.

Once the frame is in pieces, sanding can begin, then lubrication if the model is made of buffalo horn or tortoise shell, to finish with polishing and brightening.


Another aspect of the restoration: to meet the increasingly frequent demand from our Customers who wish to wear their ancestors' glasses in tortoiseshell or acetate, sometimes found at the bottom of a drawer, we dedicate part of our work to giving new life to these pieces from the past.

What a joy for us to see the delighted eyes of our customers discovering their shiny glasses with shimmering reflections whereas a few weeks earlier, they were just a dull object to keep as a souvenir.

If you also have old glasses that represent a memory or that you dream of wearing, come and meet us!


In order to best meet your expectations,  We invite you to make an appointment online or by phone at the 01 42 60 63 64.


Or ask your questions by writing to meyrowitz@meyrowitz.paris ou via ce online form.

glasses restoration
barometer restoration

Restoration of barometers

The “holosteric” type barometers manufactured by the Richard or Naudet houses are very precise mechanics both for the watchmaking part and the measuring part.

Thus, our workshop manager, with his dual training as an optician and watchmaker, will be able to bring them back to life.


For your comfort, we invite you to make an appointment online